Thursday, September 1, 2011

Saving the direct deposit at a time.

Can you believe that direct deposit has been around for 40 years? Approximately 3 out of every 4 Americans have their payroll check direct deposited every pay period. Why wouldn't they? It is so convenient to have your payroll check direct deposited. Let me not forget to mention how GREEN it is as well. In this post I will be discussing the many benefits of offering direct deposit as an Employer and the benefits of using direct deposit as an Employee.

If you are an Employer - listen up. Studies have been done showing that if your employees have direct deposit as opposed to a paper check, employee focus will be up. Why, might you ask? In today's economy especially, money and the lack there of is on the fore front of almost every one's mind. So, come payday your employees probably aren't just focusing on their normal job. More than likely they are thinking about getting to the bank to deposit their paper check. They may even take a longer lunch so as to deposit it or even leave EARLY for the day. If you offer your employees direct deposit that is one less thing they will have to focus on. They will now have more time to focus on being productive at work.

Direct deposit is a win-win situation. Employees benefit from it as well. Utilizing direct deposit will save you money. Individuals who use direct deposit to its fullest potential have been known to save upwards of an additional $90 a month. Not only can you deposit your paycheck into your checking account but you can also deposit some into a savings account. Don't you think if some of your paycheck went into a savings account every month you might save a little more?

Going greener is something that is very important to Paycheck Payroll Services. A main thing that helps us go greener guessed it, direct deposit. Imagine this...1/4 of Americans are not utilizing direct deposit. That means that 1/4 of working Americans are issued a paper check every pay period (which in some cases is once a week). It has been estimated that nearly 680 million gallons of fuel is used every year by checks traveling through the payment cycle.

Let's review. Employers benefit, employees benefit, and the environment benefits. So, it is a win-win-win. A trifecto! Signing up for direct deposit is easy to do. Once you become one of Paycheck Payroll Services valued clients just let your payroll director know that you are interested in offering direct deposit to your employees. It's that easy. Just so you know, if you are not a current PPS client, becoming one is easy too. If you sign up by October 31st you could qualify to receive your first payroll processed for FREE. Go up to our Payroll Quote tab to learn how to receive a free, no obligation proposal.

We know that some people just can not have direct deposit because they do not have a bank account. We have a solution for that. You can offer pay cards instead. Stay tuned next week for more valuable information that will save your business money and boost employee focus. I will give you the facts and myths about pay cards and teach you how to use it without a lot of pesky fees. You don't want to miss out.

Do you have employees that can't have direct deposit or are to scared to let go of those paper checks? Tell us about it. We will have a solution to help you operate your business while keeping happy employees. Don't forget to check out our Payroll Quote tab if you are not a current PPS client. Also, check out our Contact PPS tab for links to stay up to the minute with Paycheck Payroll Services.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

An Introduction...

Let me introduce name is Steph or as my twitter followers know me-#ExpertInPayroll. This blog is going to be a go to spot for you as the reader to find interesting information about all things payroll. We will highlight services we offer and the benefits you will gain by using those said services. You will have the ability to ask your payroll related questions, receive exclusive discounts and much more. Stay tuned for the next post where I will be talking blogging about Direct Deposit and Pay Cards and how your company will  actually be saving money and boosting employee morale if you utilize it. Until then follow us on twitter and like us on facebook for up to the minute information.